Saturday, 1 March 2014

Industrial Design punya cerita: Sketches

4 types of sketches:

i) Process sketches.
The main purpose is about understanding an assignment. There are more writing that sketching. A focus is examining problems and analyzing the contest.

ii) Ideation sketches.
Sketches that are created by designers while developing an idea of a product. Mainly roughly made and without details.

iii) Explanatory sketches.
Created to explain function, shape and structure of a design concept. These are sketches presented to a client. Readable to everyone.

iv) Persuasive sketches. 
Finishing sketches that are usually created in digital softwares such as CAD programs, Adobe Photoshop and others. Detailed and colorful to influence audience and sell a design concept.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Cadar Selesa dan Berkualiti by KS Shop

Assalamualaikum :)

   Di tengah malam yang sunyi ni. chewaahh.. bertemankan novel The Wedding Breaker ni, aku nak menyapu habuk-habuk di blogku ni yang dah lama kena tinggal selepas aku berhempas pulas untuk final exam ari tu. Sekarang still on progress in touch up and research on final year project but still tengah planning dengan 'stress'nya. Hari tu time exam ngan assessment dah berhempas pulas tak tido bagai. sekarang, nah sambung balik kerja~ 
   Hari ni aku nak promote satu produk ni, cadar yang memang berkualiti dan cantik design nya. Cadar ni memang selesa dan berkualiti lah.. Orang cakap belum cuba belum tahu kan, dah cuba baru tahu keselesaannya tu. Direka dalam banyak pattern dan corak. Sangat menarik, sesuai untuk diletakkan di dalam bilik tidur. Nak tengok corak-corak cadar yang dijual? Let's visit this facebook page:

   Aku pun rambang mata tengok banyak jenis cadar yang dijual. So, kat sini aku sertakan lah sekali beberapa jenis pattern yang ada. Ada banyak pattern lagi tau. Just tengok link di atas :)

Pattern: Isma

Pattern: Meeza

Pattern: Amal

Pattern: Zaria

Pattern: Noura

   Sebenarnya ada lagi yang tidak disertakan gambarnya kat sini. Rajin-rajinlah like page KS Shop dan hubungi/whatsapp nombor telefon yang telah disertakan. Untuk memudahkan semua alert dan nak grab cadar jualan KS Shop ni, anda perlulah sentiasa tengok facebook page KS Shop ni. kalau ada koleksi terbaru, mereka akan update di fb page. So, stay tuned!

Monday, 16 September 2013


Third year and semester 5 just came in! In sya Allah, this will be my final year! Need to more focused on ID. I had just read this from a web site and think of how to apply it! Hope it will help us IDans..

Design can be thought of as problem solving in a highly constrained and technical environment.
Once a preliminary means or design concept has been established for a design, most problems arise directly from the detailed requirements of that concept and the interactions of systems that implement the concept with the operating environment.

A design concept is more specific than an idea, but less specific than a layout or drawing of a product. Usually, concepts are best described by an annotated sketch.
Note that the sketches are of varying degrees of detail. Sometimes they may be quite meticulous, but they do not need to be.
The question is: How do we come up with these concepts?

There is no simple answer to this question. There are various thinking strategies that can help identify ways to solve or at least avoid the problems. Some of them are described here. The particular techniques described below and names given them are adapted from.

Techniques to Promote Design Concept Generation:

i) Confront the Problem
ii) Change the Source of the Problem
iii) Isolate the Problem
iv) Invert the Problem
v) Reverse the Problem
vi) Divide the Problem
vii) Designing by Analogy
viii) Designing with Product Attributes
x) Challenge Assumptions

Hwaiting! Usaha, Doa, Tawakkal :)

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Muhasabah Cinta

Jom hayati bait2 lagu ni..

Wahai... Pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Kupasrahkan semua padaMu

Tuhan... Baru ku sadar
Indah nikmat sehat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini kuharapkan cintaMu

Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya ilahi....
Muhasabah cintaku...

Tuhan... Kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu

Jom dengar :)

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Sekadar Perkongsian

     Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah masih dipinjamkan nyawa untuk hari ini. Sambil-sambil menunggu task baru masa LI ni, so today I wanna just sharing this thought of my beloved kak Wardina tentang puteri sulungnya, Amna Nafeesa. She had shared her opinion on the way of our society thinking on physical appearance more than inner beauty. Pesan beliau "Saya menyeru agar kita jangan tumpukan kepada fizikal manusia semata-mata. Kerana hakikatnya manusia itu lebih dari fizikal, lebih dari mata, telinga hidung dan mulut. Manusia itu adalah SIAPA dan APA mereka di DALAM. Di DALAM hati dan didalam MINDA. Manusia itu adalah hati, akal, perasaan, perlakuan dan nafsu mereka. Agak sukar mungkin kerana kita hidup dalam dunia yang HANYA menumpukan dan menghormati manusia dari apa yang dilihat di luaran semata".         She received many feedback. One of the fan said that : find the beauty in everyone.. if it's not the whole person, look at that person's features.. each on their own is beautiful since Allah has created a uniqueness in each one of His creation.. Masya Allah.. One more: Jika Allah menjadikan semua manusia itu serupa saja rupanya dimanakah variasinya!
     Another person commented: Amna (sis Wardina's daughter) is a beautiful and complete person in her own unique way. Just like pots and pans which are made different to suit different purposes. So are we humans are created differently for our own different purpose and destiny in this world. Even twins have differences between each other. Yup, from there I start to think and realise. Subhanallah. Allah telah mencipta hamba-Nya sebaik-baiknya dan terdapat hikmah di setiap penciptaan-Nya..


One day :) In sya Allah..

Kagum dengan cara sis Wardina didik anaknya. Diselangi didikan agama dan kehidupan..

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

It's The Time Part I

     Yeah! It's the time. Time to have my Industrial Training. Lambatnya kite hupdate.hehee.. By the way, actually today is officially my 7th day at new office, new place. weehuu.. ok la setakat ni.
     Hari tu actually start LI kat a company in Taman Melawati but due to some problems (ehemm, ehemm..) I need to be transfer (macam kena transfer je) to here, in Ukay Perdana. 

Ni lah company nye [Global Genius Consultant Sdn. Bhd.]

     Syarikat ni dikelola oleh Tuan Ahmad Fadzli Yusof, alaa motivator terkenal tu yang pernah berceramah dengan Dato' Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah tu. Alhamdulillah, dikurniakan bos yang baik molek ni, habang2 yang sporting2 nih dapatlah I keje ngan aman.
     First masuk dah diarahkan buat 'Catur Usahawan ' board. Berbekalkan ilmu di dada ni, kita pun mula la buat board tu.


     Sebenarnya nak main senang je, just ikut peraturan main 'Saidina' atau 'Jutaria' je. Mesti pernah main masa kecik-kecik dulu kan? Tapi Catur Usahawan ni sebenarnya Tuan Fadzli khaskan untuk program 'RichGrad'. Program ni khusus untuk graduan yang ingin mendalami bidang keusahawanan dan komunikasi. Ala-ala macam How To Yourself Get Employed ada jugak kot sikit-sikit.

Peace yow!!

Monday, 17 June 2013


Esok kite dah nak stat LI!
Maa! Nevesnye yaya!

Mak aiii.. Penatnye dengan esaimen, tests n quizzes yang bertimbun sem ni. Boleh dikatakan sem ni paling penat laa. Sem 4 laa katakan.
Ari Selasa lepas dah abis semua hal-hal berkaitan final exam, so sempat la kejap mencuri masa balik ke kampung halaman kat Pasir Mas, Kelantan..
Bez kot dapat balik lawat-lawat ma, abah, family, negeri tercinta!
At least terlepas laa rindu kan.
Dah laa tak dapat puasa kat umah nanti..
Sobsobs :'(

Seriously, I had learnt so many things this sem. Ya Allah, moga dibukakan lagi pintu rezeki dan moga dipermudahkan segala urusan. Aminnnn..

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


     Nothing much to say. Just really miss to update this blog :) Banyaknye keje...




Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Long Time No See

       Yuhuu... sekarang ni aku dah berada di kolej tercinta (ksj) :P Arghh.. moving towards 4th sem. Gerun.takut.cemas.hahaa.. excited! pom ade. Xsabaunye.. Hope this coming sem will bring more light and may Allah ease everything. InsyaAllah.
       Ari tu geng2 primary school dulu ade wat reunion kat Pantai Sri Tujoh, Bachok. Setelah lame plan reunion ni buat kesekian lamanye, akhirnya menjadi la jugak walaupun kalut2. hahaa.. macam2 peristiwa jadi. ade yg sesat laa. macam2 ragam ade. lame giler xjumpe dorang. Semua dah bertukar daripada cute ngn comel ke ensem ngn cantik.kihkih. Sampai aku pun da xkenal dorang2 nih.haha..
       Some of pictures that I stolen:

It's BBQ time!


Standard 6 SKLT '04 memory


SKLT in memory

Bile nak reu lagiii.. hahaa..

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


     Fuhhh.. Baru lepas semua bebanan sem 3 ni. Seyes! Actually ari jumaat minggu lepas sepatutnya dah abis dah tapi cik amad (the lecturer) still tak puas hati ngan keje kitorang ni. So, he told us to buat lagi Engineering Drawing tu guna Auto cad (engineering software). Kitorang pun ape lagi. huwargghh... ): dah la dah lupe semua jadah tu. Buat la.. ketang ketung (3x) siaplah jugak semua bendalah ni :D

    Alhamdulillah.. Xsabarnyee nak balik! Miss my family damn much! Tapi........ 18hb ni ade wrap up (discussion) dengan lecturer. Semua akan terlibat. At first nak skip sebenarnye tapi bila pikir balik. Takpe la lagipom cuti satgi lame gak, stay je la..

     Btw, CN Blue baru je keluar ngan lagu baru kat Youtube (i'm one of the fan of this group). Tajuk lagu tu 'I'm Sorry'. Check it out :)
xoxo, al (;