Tuesday 12 February 2013

Long Time No See

       Yuhuu... sekarang ni aku dah berada di kolej tercinta (ksj) :P Arghh.. moving towards 4th sem. Gerun.takut.cemas.hahaa.. excited! pom ade. Xsabaunye.. Hope this coming sem will bring more light and may Allah ease everything. InsyaAllah.
       Ari tu geng2 primary school dulu ade wat reunion kat Pantai Sri Tujoh, Bachok. Setelah lame plan reunion ni buat kesekian lamanye, akhirnya menjadi la jugak walaupun kalut2. hahaa.. macam2 peristiwa jadi. ade yg sesat laa. macam2 ragam ade. lame giler xjumpe dorang. Semua dah bertukar daripada cute ngn comel ke ensem ngn cantik.kihkih. Sampai aku pun da xkenal dorang2 nih.haha..
       Some of pictures that I stolen:

It's BBQ time!


Standard 6 SKLT '04 memory


SKLT in memory

Bile nak reu lagiii.. hahaa..

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